So, lots of work has been done on the King since last time. I had advertised my blacked out windshield on CL and had a guy come look at it but it was just as tall as his stock so he wasn't interested but we started talking and he was wanting to black out his Road King while I had been toying with going back to a date was set. We spent the better part of a Saturday swapping parts across both bikes including the front ends.

And after

I also decided to do a real stage 1 by installing the classic looking S&S air cleaner

And I picked up a "new" set of RCX slash cuts from CL that can also bee seen in the first pic.

After the last trip I knew the Samson rolled ovals needed to go, way too staccato sounding and I found people not wanting to ride behind me. After a bunch of research I found the RCX's were loved for their deep sound and not being annoying while touring. I can say they were right, I love them.
In the mean time I picked up a pair of factory vented lowers on CL to continue with the touring package I envision. I dropped them with my painter which I was still waiting on to finish my new rear fender after we got through hail season here in Texas. A week ago I got the call, they were done!

Love the new tail light, goes great with the old school air cleaner

Also I sold off the LePera seat that was literally a pain in my ass while riding when CL had a Corbin Classic solo and backrest in black ostrich pattern leather pop up for sale.

And to add to the projects this week I picked up and old king tour pack and solo mount to add to the removable touring package I have been building. It will require paint and I need to space it up so the saddle bag lids clear

The bracket is tight to the seat, I don't think the MOCO was thinking about this seat combination but I'm going to make it work.

Now off to build some spacers and tear the pack apart to take to paint jail......
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