Back on the jack again....

Last time for this fender

And the new

And it looks like it dropped right in

Which was far from the truth. The fender spacer/mounts all needed trimmed 1/2' then lots of blue tape and cursing later I shoehorned it into the frame, it's tight!

With that on the side supports dropped right on, whew, don't need the bike specific pricey ones. Buuuuuttt, the frame covers weren't even close so more cutting. You can just make out the black line marking the initial trimming.

Better seen after trimming with a cut off wheel

Both sides installed

Plus I installed the sexy updated rear Brembo brakes with a custom spacer

After that I decided I wanted a chrome rear turn signal....without the high cost of a new one. Not happening, looks like mine is a CVO style that I had powdercoated earlier which works for this fender and I already own it so it's going on for now after a quick swap to Deutsch connectors to match the new harness. On to the last piece of the puzzle, the fender support, yep the current one won't work, not even close.
Defeat on the last piece
Screw it, off to Ronnie's Harley online to order the right one, I'm ready to be riding again, $100 and it's on the way. With that final piece and a bleeding of the new brakes I'm sure the warm Texas weather we have been having will disappear for a month or two but I'm riding anyway.
Of course I could order some Fulsac baffles while it's apart.......and those rear shocks have 60K on them.....
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