Back last night at 8:25 from 2000 miles of touring!
My buddy JV and I left Wednesday morning and headed for the great state of Colorado for some mountain riding plus some good beer.
First day plan was to slab it to Colorado Springs from Dallas via 287 with a stop in Dalhart, TX for some food with a friend. Well those plans were dashed when running at higher speeds killed our gas mileage and a poor decision to forgo gas while leaving Amarillo lead to me running out of gas in the middle of nowhere south of Channing, TX. JV ran out to grab some gas and ended up in Hartley while I napped on the side of the road in 100* temps while everyone passed up the dirty biker on the side of the road. Shout out to the Hartley Co-Op for sending JV out with free gas and can, even offered to follow him back to me if he couldn't carry the can! Love small town hospitality.
My solitude.
JV catching it for posterity while pointing at the can of shame
We missed our friend but did get a glowing recommendation to try XIT (10 In Texas) for good grub and beer.
After a "few" more uneventful hours we made it to home for the night in Colorado Springs and this was the view from Amandas Cantina while we sipped margaritas.
JV is somewhat of an avid "photographer" risking life and limb to document our trip while riding a motorcycle, a few shots while riding up Pike's Peak
And the view from the top, beautiful morning with no clouds

We rode back down and headed north on 67 stopping for lunch and beers at Deckers Corner, great little place to eat. I highly recommend the breakfast scramble and when they say the hot green chili sauce is hot, they mean it! More beer cured the heat.
Out of there we headed up several more small back roads with great scenery and then stopped in Evergreen at Little Bear for more hoppy refreshments
Out of Evergreen we headed North then west for Central City, neat little main street town but the turn onto Central City Parkway off the highway was strange as they had a cow crossing next 8 miles sign. Actually they might have saved some money to just put "look out for and all animals" signs at the Colorado border, seems as though they have a sign for every animal imaginable.
Next Refreshment stop, Dostal Alley Casino & Brew Pub

Our next stop was Nederland which was confirmed to be a cool place by this guy
So leaving out of Central City we turned north onto 119 and ran all the way to Nederland, home of the Frozen Dead Guy Days and another great place for beer and pizza, Crosscut Pizzeria & Taphouse. Tons of good beer on tap and great staff.
Our last run of the night was to head back towards Boulder and down to Louisville to call it a night, almost. We headed over to another brewhouse to end the night and our staff member Elizabeth put up with us without kicking us out.