A few months ago I purchased a pair of CVO mufflers with the express intent to install a pair of Fullsac power cores and get rid of the current mufflers, which were too loud for my ear at highway speed[confirmed by my buddy that wouldn't ride behind me;-)].
Craigslist netted a barely used pair of CVO mufflers in excellent shape.

Which I ran stock for a while. They were too quiet so I went ahead and pulled the trigger on a pair of 2" Fullsac Power Cores.
I thought I'd save the money and not get the sleeves and matt from them, who needs it anyway? After pulling out the old fiberglass matt it was off to the internet to see if I could get some local, the original was shot in several places. A quick run down to Cycle Gear netted two new pieces of matt and I wrapped up the cores and stuffed them back together. Sounds pretty good, deeper, not as loud. I ran this way around town for the last few months until this last weekend.
I had time to get it out on the highway to evaluate the amplifier install at speed, which worked great, but the pipes, wow! Too staccato at highway speed! I still needed ear plugs. Back to the house and see what others were saying about their cores and not many complaining. But then I see people talking about changing the sound of them, modding the matt amounts or using steel wool when I ran into my screw up. One guy talks about wrapping them with less matt to increase the sound and mentions that if you wrap the cores tight it essentially makes drag pipes by not letting the sound work through the baffle.
By using their power sleeve you create an air gap between the matt and the core, mellowing the sound. Dammit. Mea Culpa. Beings that I have zero patience I'm off to Lowes to find something that works. Luckily they carry the same style perforated metal I need and for $30 I pick up a sheet of it and back to the house to fabricate.
And voila! I spent three hours and saved $40 to make the pair. I should have just ordered them in the first place. 😂 It did give some much needed garage time over the weekend though.
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