So following the current car scene I decided to give vinyl a look.
Vinyl is verboten to Harley rider's, it's like kryptonite, it's like putting Honda parts on your bike, it's etc, etc, etc.
Me, I don't care, I do so many things just for my own entertainment that it doesn't matter to me if I would be ostracized from the clan.
First thing was to head off to the interwebz to shop vinyl. Several site searches later I decided it should be a pearl white and the one I picked was an Avery vinyl in gloss pearl white.Pearl White
Along with a felt covered squeegee and some knifeless tape I was set. Either for greatness or a bundle of wadded up vinyl.
Here we go

Easiest part done! Didn't go bad, not perfect but the only experience I have is Clear Bra installs on several exotic cars, not the same though.
On to a bag.

Hmmmm, moving right along the tank was next, probably the toughest part, line laid out with pinstripe first then the knifeless tape seen in green

Knifeless tape

The only pic, I screwed up this side as I pulled the tape wrong and screwed up the line, it ended up in the trash

Ugh, first setback. Right on, let's do the left side first for the next trick!

Not too shabby. Next, a different line layout for the left side to flow with the bag better

Then back to the right side

After all that it was time to pull the front fender for a little more white. I was at the end of the vinyl so I decided to do the fender in two pieces, hiding the break line behind the fork leg.

Whipped up a paper template to try to recreate the same line for the other side

Back on

Then outside for the finally

After all that I ran out of vinyl to fix the right back so it matches the left line that I like better and I still need to make a design for the fairing.